Major research opportunity on evolving business models in the performing arts

The National Theatre (NT) is looking for an experienced research partner to deliver a major new research piece in collaboration with the NT, and with the wider performing arts sector.
The research will look at the benefits of new approaches to traditional revenue streams, but also at other more novel revenue streams and partnerships, with the working title:
“Shining a light on evolving business models in the performing arts: how varied investments support different financial and social outcomes.”
The National Theatre will be a core case study for the research, but the research will look beyond the NT and engage with other organisations thinking innovatively in this area.
This will be the first research piece commissioned under the National Theatre’s new research strategy. Each year, we plan to commission an agenda-setting piece of research. It is intended that the research will be useful to:
- The National Theatre itself, as it delivers its new Strategy and Business Plan
- Policy-makers for the arts and culture
- Funders of arts and culture
- People working in arts and cultural organisations in the UK
- Trustees and board members of arts and culture organisations.
Download the Invitation To Tender document (ITT).
The deadline for tenders has been extended to 12 noon on 19 April 2024.
Please note: Proposals should be no more than five pages, however this does not need to include bibliographies of the bidding team which can be included in a separate attachment.