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2021 Gender Pay Gap Data

What is Gender Pay Gap reporting?

Employers with 250 employees or more publish data on the pay gap between the average salaries of their male and female staff. This is our third year of reporting.

There are several pieces of data we now publish here and on the government’s gender pay gap service:

  1. The mean and median gender pay gap in hourly rate
  2. The proportion of men and women in each quartile pay band
  3. The mean and median bonus gender pay gap.

The gender pay gap is not the same as unequal pay, which is paying men and women differently for doing the same or similar work.


Our 2021 Data

Our 2021 data shows a gender pay gap in favour of men, but it  remains at lower than 5% which compares favourably to equivalent data for the UK. The 2021 results are affected by the COVID restructure, redundancies and closure programmes we were obliged to undertake to protect the financial stability of the organisation. We remain within our target of sustaining both a Gender Pay Gap below 5% and a gender-balanced workforce.

Difference in hourly rate

  • Men’s mean hourly rate is 3.56% higher than women’s
    The mean gender pay gap is the difference between the average hourly wage of men and women, across the whole of the National Theatre.
  • Men’s median hourly rate is 4.90% higher than women’s
    The median gender pay gap is the difference in hourly wage between the ‘middle paid’ man and the ‘middle paid’ woman, when all employees are ranked from the highest to the lowest paid.

Proportion of women in each pay quartile

Women Men
Top quartile (highest paid) 54.7% 45.3%
Upper middle quartile 45.0% 55.0%
Lower middle quartile 58.9% 41.1%
Lower quartile (lowest paid) 63.6% 36.4%


Who received bonus pay

The National Theatre does not offer bonuses.


Included in this survey are 515 staff – 286 women and 229 men, working across a vast range of crafts and discipline from office-based accountants and marketing officers to production and technical staff such as costume supervisors and scenic artists. The reportable group staffing figures are significantly reduced for 2021 due to the impact of covid on the survey snapshot date, 5th April 2021 and, on that date, we did not employ actors as we were sadly not performing owing to Covid-enforced closure. Our 2021 snapshot results are therefore unusual in that they omit key areas of our regular workforce.

Whilst there is some variation in each quartile, our staff group is broadly balanced at all levels, but with more women in the lower quartiles.

It is difficult to draw solid conclusions from this data, given the limited staff numbers included. However, our ideal continues to be a gap as close to zero as it can be on a consistent basis.

How it was calculated

The only staff included in the gender pay gap calculations for this year are permanent and fixed term employees who were working for the National on 5 April 2021. This group of our workforce comprises roughly 55.53% women and 44.47% men.