Online exhibition: Greek Tragedy at the National Theatre

This online exhibit explores how the challenges of staging Greek tragedy have been met on the National Theatre’s stages through four themes; performance space, setting (the world of the play), chorus, and masks.

Greek Theatre, masks, chorus, staging, performance space
Browse our digital exhibitions, created in partnership with Google Arts & Culture
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National Theatre Collection
Watch selected shows on National Theatre Collection – the best of British Theatre, streaming direct into your classroom.
Free for all UK state schools (primary and secondary) and FE colleges.

Our Archive holds a treasure trove of performance material, including recordings and photographs of our productions.
Free to visit and open to everyone by appointment. School groups are welcome.

The Black Plays Archive
An online catalogue of the first professional production in the UK of plays written by Black British, African, and Caribbean playwrights. Explore our specially written resources for teachers and educators.
More on Greek Theatre

Online exhibition: Greek Tragedy at the National Theatre

An Introduction to Greek Chorus

An Introduction to Greek Tragedy

An Introduction to Greek Theatre

An Introduction to Greek Comedy and Satyr Drama

An Introduction to Women in Greek Theatre

Antigone: Character Relationships - Greek Theatre video resource